6th of Juni

Well here it is,, another case of DNF(Did not finish). Got to the point where I was supposed to make the filesystem, and recognized the edronax was making me anorectic, and that I did zero money for my projects and no other positive attributes other than being called nerd. Hope you enjoy! I guess this is to much to ask, but if it happens to be helpful, could you like say,, I was inspired by Martin or something like that? I know I should never take credits for anything Ive made, thats nasty! Its 100% assemby


UPDATE 12 Feb 2009
A Digital Differential Analyzer line drawing routine in assembler I wrote some weeks ago. A 24 -> 16 bit color converter.. and a castrated BMPloader also written in asm. All part of an OS I probably wont finish.

UPDATE don't know when, and dont care.
By popular demands I've decided to put up my code for my masterpiece. That is Birdman.
Behold the birdman URL.. (the project name is stensjuk, I got Stenfrisk too, an earlier version with a little more OOP hiding in it,, I even got a version when you are just accessing numbers and not objects,, which make it very,, "hidden" so to say.

MOS This is My OS, MOS. What's possible to do with it you might wonder? Well, nothing, it takes some commands, as "ls", "mkdir", "cd" (nice you are clever enough to mark this or view the source) but doesn't react in a proper way. What's behind this ? memory manager, an own simple filesystem, some graphic routines. What about those ? well, you won't see them before hell freezes over, at least if I am not releasing the code, or if your'e feeling like doing some disassembling. This is meant to run in an emulator such as QEMU, google for it if interested. Yeah,, and I don't take any responsibility for anything this program might do or not do. Yeah btw, i've made a tarball of it and bzipped it, I think winrar will decompress it for you windows users.

DONT run this outside an emulator; that is, don't try to burn the iso and boot with it, or else you risk to owerwrite some vital data at the beginning of your disc. You've been warned.


UPDATE Oh well I don't feel like being anal, here's the code. I've used the layout from Christopher Geezer, OSD. Then I used some code from some finish guy, the vga Initialization part. The printf is from GNU foundation I think. Give me credits if you are using any of my codeparts that should be the rest of it. The code is btw a mess and badly commented. MYOS-source

Here is my birdman demo, another quality piece of linux executable from me. Don't mind the memory leaks. I was a little bit to tired to deallocate.
Birdman demo link>

Martin Lindegren 2006
nitramAlinuxmail.org switch the A for @